Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Rock climbing

We were really lucky here at school to have the rock climbing wall visit. 

The reason for the visit believe it or not was to teach us about road safety. I wonder how the 2 activities can be linked?? 

We had a lot of fun and Jacqui even challenged Mr Baylis to a race up the wall (a comprehensive victory to Mr Baylis!!) 

Here's some photos of our climb


  1. I think you made a mistake Mr Baylis I won I pressed the buzzer before you i won!!!! fair and square also very cool comic

  2. Sorry but Jacqui's right :D she got the buzzer and the comic is AWESOME!!!! ;)

  3. Emily i really like it that you are sticking up for your classmate even though you are prepared to bend the truth ; ), the photo clearly shows jacqui quite a bit behind!!

  4. Mr Baylis just saying that picture isn't the one when we had the race. I wasn't on that wall I was on wall 1 and you were on wall to so yeah and also Emily wasn't sticking up for me she was just telling the truth

  5. Lucas brookburn

    that looks fabulositic and awsome i wish i was there!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  6. Charlotte,Sacha,LuCa$! brookburn

    That looks fun!! x


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