Tuesday, November 1, 2011

100 word challenge

I was reading this post on a blog by Learning Hub 3 @ Stonefields School.

and after some further investigation found Room 5 Hampton Hill School doing the same thing.

The challenge is this, to write a creative and descriptive piece of writing using only 100 words. 

As we are always up for a challenge in Room 1 our writing for one week will be based on this idea and using the following prompt 

(source http://writingprompts.tumblr.com/post/11306764312/271)

We will endeavour to get published writing on here as soon as they are completed.
If you are checking out the examples from the above classes, make sure you leave them a comment with your name and where you're from : )


  1. Hae memmbers of room 1, Turuturu School.

    Thank you so much for your positive comment and your interesting question. We did had a great experience with them and we leanrt heaps about their personalities. Sadly the Japanese did not teach us anything to cook but overall i think they liked our dish but next time we will go for something with less sugar!!

    Thanks again, Kennedy.

  2. hi that can we have a easyer task like have it under 200 words thats easyer


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