Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Managing Self - Thinking deeper about things

Today we revisited our discussions on the Key Competency Managing Self. The different thing is, we did as Toni Krasnic suggested and looked at it a different way. We took one aspect, thinking deeply about things and used this as our focus. We discussed what thinking deeply means and looks like, then tested our thinking skills with some problems. We have put them below for you to test your thinking. 
Give them a try and Good Luck!!

1.     Jake was standing on one side of the river, and his dog Scruffy was standing on the other side. "Come on Scruffy, come, boy!" shouted Jake. Scruffy crossed the river, ran to Jake, and got a treat for being a good dog. The amazing thing was that Scruffy didn't even get wet! How did Scruffy do that?

2.      Each letter below stands for the name of something. What should the last three letters be?
M V E M J S ? ? ?

3.      The three little pigs, as you know, built houses — one of straw, one of sticks, and one of bricks. By reading the six clues, figure out which pig built each house, the size of each house, and the town in which each house was located. Use a chart to keep track of your information and your logic.

Patricia Pig

Penny Pig

Peter Pig

  1. Penny Pig did not build a brick house.
  2. The straw house was not medium sized.
  3. Peter's house was made of sticks, and it was neither medium nor small.
  4. Patricia Pig built her house in Pleasantville.
  5. The house in Hillsdale was large.
  6. One house was in a town called Riverview.

4.      An apartment building has two floors, with three apartments on each floor. The Grays live in the top middle apartment. The Blues live directly above the Browns. If the Greens live on the top floor, then they live next door to the Blues. The Whites live to the left of the Greens, either on the top or bottom floor. The Blacks live on the top floor. Which family lives in which apartment?

5.       You are in a cabin and it is pitch black. You have one match on you. Which do you light first, the newspaper, the lamp, the candle or the fire?

6.      Which word, if pronounced right, is wrong, but if pronounced wrong is right?

7.       We live in a large tower block, 10 floors high. My 5 year old son goes to school each day using the lift from the 10th floor to the ground floor. However, when he returns in the evening, he uses the lift to get to the 5th floor and then uses the stairs for the remaining 5 floors. Why?

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